Pakistan’s Rule Of Law Crisis
As the country faces mass discord and violence in the aftermath of Khan’s arrest, we need to understand that Imran Khan is not the victim here. Pakistani democracy is. This crisis is of the former Prime Minister’s own making. Those who butcher democracy with their own very hands cannot be regarded as revolutionaries wielding flags of change. The very profiteers of authoritarianism cannot be deemed the champions of democracy.
The Fault Lines In Our Democracy
On January 7th, it was after a tedious four days of voting and fifteen ballots that Representative Kevin McCarthy, the leader of the House Republicans, secured enough votes to win the speakership of the House of Representatives. Many in Washington and elsewhere watched in utter disbelief as the drama in the House unfolded.
Learn from the Brazilians (Opinion)
The picture sourced from NPR and Carl de Souza/AFP via Getty Images shows Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva holding a Brazilian flag on the day of the presidential runoff election.