Maheen Rasul Maheen Rasul

Women in the Social Sciences

Picture Credits:

Elinor Ostrom: The New York Times and John Sommers II /Reuters

Claudia Goldin: New York Times and Lauren Owens Lambert/Agence France-Presse — Getty Images

Theda Skocpol: Carleton College and Martha Stewart


Rohini Pande: Yale Department of Economics and Dan Renzetti.

Pippa Norris: International IDEA 

Oriana Bandiera: Indian School of Business (Youtube)

For this year’s International Women’s Day (8th March 2025), I will use this platform to highlight the work of some of the remarkable women in the social sciences. Their work has not only transformed the way we look at politics and economics, but their ideas have also created tangible impact in the lives of people everywhere, from transforming the way we approach the problems of poverty and social power asymmetries to bringing new political ideas to the fore. It was a rather difficult undertaking considering the innumerable amazing women in politics and economics. Here, I will share my top seven favourite women social scientists whose work has had a substantial impact on my intellectual growth. In the end, I also include a larger list and some of my favourite papers on women from the disciplines of politics and economics.

My top seven favourite women in the social sciences (politics and economics) in no particular order:

Bonus: Some of my favourite papers on women (from politics and economics):

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